
Flu Season Is Here: 7 Reasons to Come In for Your Flu Shot Today

 Flu Season Is Here: 7 Reasons to Come In for Your Flu Shot Today

Flu Season Is Here: 7 Reasons to Come In for Your Flu Shot Today

Are you still trying to decide whether you want the flu shot? Here are seven compelling reasons to get off the fence and say yes.

Flu season hits Southern Texas between October and May, so now is the time to take precautions.

If you’re on the fence about whether or not to get the flu shot, Caleigh Rodriguez, MD, in New Braunfels, Texas, offers seven compelling reasons to say yes to the vaccine. 

1. Protect yourself  

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that the influenza virus caused up to 41 million illnesses, 710,000 hospitalizations, and 52,000 deaths annually from 2010 to 2023. 

Fortunately, getting vaccinated significantly reduces your chances of contracting the flu. Even if you get sick, the flu shot lessens the severity of your symptoms. According to the CDC, the flu vaccination reduces the risk of having to visit the doctor with flu by 40-60%.

2. Protect your loved ones

The flu is highly contagious, and getting vaccinated helps protect those around you, especially vulnerable groups like young children, older people, and those with chronic health conditions. 

By getting your flu shot, you contribute to herd immunity, which is essential for everyone in the community.

3. Save money

Getting the flu is expensive. It costs you in time, travel to the doctor, medication, and loss of wages. Researchers estimate that the annual economic burden of flu-related illnesses in the United States is $11.2 billion, including direct and indirect costs. 

By getting vaccinated, you can save time and money on dealing with the illness and help reduce national costs by preventing flu-related hospital visits and treatments.

4. Stay productive

Flu season means more absenteeism at work. A flu shot can keep you healthy and productive, minimizing disruptions in your professional life.

5. Avoid complications

The flu can lead to severe complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, and sinus infections, particularly if you have a pre-existing condition. Vaccination lowers your risk of complications.

6. It is quick and convenient

Getting a flu shot is easy. Dr. Rodriguez offers quick appointments that get you in and out without disrupting your busy schedule. 

Plus, most health insurance plans cover the cost of the flu shot, so there’s no financial reason not to get the shot.

7. Contribute to public health data

You contribute to valuable public health data when you get your flu shot. Health agencies track vaccination rates and flu cases to understand the virus’s spread and the vaccine's effectiveness so that they — and we — can improve flu prevention strategies.

Don't wait until it’s too late to get your flu shot. It's a simple, effective way to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community from the flu. 

Call Caleigh Rodriguez, MD, or schedule your flu shot appointment online today.